Monday, June 22, 2009

A full day!

Hi again!!!

Jimmy called a few minutes ago and the connection was very good this time!! All are well, but the water situation remains a little iffy. Last night was the bath in the bucket routine, but tonight was a shower, though not really warm! The group sent out their clothes to be laundered, but the lady did not see Jim Carse’s bag, so his clothes did not get cleaned!!!! Never fear, Jimmy had some extra ROW shirts, so they did not make Jim sit in the corner all alone!!

A prayer request for tomorrow is for a surgery John Kennedy is performing at Good Shepherd Hospital. It is a colostomy on a baby about 3 weeks old who has not had a bowel movement since birth. The baby is very weak, so say an extra prayer for strength during and after the surgery. Please also pray for John as he performs this surgery in an unfamiliar place!!

They have a full day tomorrow and Jimmy did sound tired for the first time tonight. They have been having nightly small group Bible study in the ladies duplex. The one last night lasted from 8-11 PM and Jimmy said it had become a great time to talk about the day’s events and to discuss what they had seen and their reaction to it!! This time has been very rewarding!!

They have power, but can’t get an internet connection, though Katrina, EA, and Katy have tried several times!! Maybe when they get back to Kinshasa they will be able to email!!

Please continue to keep them in your prayers!!

Blessing to all,
